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What We Deliver

Open access tools and insights to research and make strategic decisions
Up-to-date, global rankings

Select your sample, research competitors or make informed comparisons of media outlets

Downloable datasets

Use the information we gather to understand how journalistic firms perform in terms of digital development

Consultancy services

Make strategic decisions that strengthen your organization’s digital reputation and market positioning

Our Impact

We are constantly going global, and this is what we have achieved so far
media outlets evaluated
languages in which analyzed websites are published
countries are represented
reports and research papers published

Our latest research papers

Profesional De La información, 32(5)
Trillo-Domínguez, M., Salaverría, R.,
Codina, L., & De-Moya-Anegón, F. (2023).
Profesional De La información, 32(5).
Journalism, 0(0)
Trillo-Domínguez, M., Salaverría, R.,
Codina, L., & De Moya-Anegón, F. (2024).
Journalism, 0(0).

The big picture

Distilled highlights from Scimago Media Rankings’ current data

A trusted methodology

This is how we collect and analyze data to develop solid solutions

Transparent data collection and rigorous analysis

  • — Open access: all indicators are available
  • — Objectivity: unbiased criteria avoid conflict of interest
  • — Going global: we are constantly increasing the sample

Latest Updates and News

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SCImago Media Rankings collaborates with leading institutions and international research projects to empower journalists, managers, professors, students and media supporters
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